Bill Jandt became a member of Linne Lodge #57 on August 19, 1985. He has several offices or positions within the lodge. He has been a trustee, a Chairman of Trustees, Vice Chief and Chief of Linne Lodge (1992-1993), Bingo Chairman, Vice President and President of Staff Association, and Drill Team member and Captain. Bill has also contributed to Linne Lodge by being a volunteer bartender, decorating the lodge for Christmas, singing in the Invandrana choir, being a leader for Summer Celebration, and a helper with Air Fair parking. He is currently Harold of Linne Lodge #57.
Not only has Bill shown his volunteerism within Linne Lodge and the IOV, but he has also shown it in his community. He has been an Old Newsie for 25 years, a helper distributing toys for Toys For Tots of Muskegon for 21 years, he has been on the security staff for the Big Reds Football games for 22 years, and has also driven for the Red Cross assisting people with disabilities.
Bill was born on January 5th, 1945 in Muskegon, MI. He has been married to Margaret for 51 years. They have 2 children and 4 grandchildren. He retired from GTE after 31 years, worked for Muskegon Public Schools for 5 years, Strong Industrial Supply for 4 years, and is currently working for MAP (Mission for Area People) as a custodian. A number of Bill’s family are, or were, members of Linne Lodge #57. They include his wife, children, grandchildren siblings (Tom who is currently serving as chief), niece, and nephew.