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CROP Hunger Walk 2018

Logo: Ending Hunger One Step at a Time. Crop Hunger Walk.

Join us for the 39th Annual Muskegon CROP Hunger Walk

Sunday, October 7, 2018 12:30 Registration 1:00 Walk Central United Methodist Church

This year’s Challenge: Every group of youth who raise at least $250 will receive an additional matching gift of $125 for the Walk! Thank you to our generous donors!

Join Us!

To participate in the 2018 CROP Hunger Walk, contact your church or service organization. The recruiter/team leader there will provide you with a Donation Envelope and additional information. Ask family, friends and group members to support you with a generous donation.

Raise Funds Online

Here’s an easy way to increase your Walk fund-raising. Go to or

Click on the donation button and follow the prompts! Remember to email family and friends anywhere in the world to help you end hunger and poverty.

CROP Hunger Walks are community fundraising events sponsored by Church World Service (CWS), an international relief, development, and refugee resettlement agency. Money raised by CROP Hunger Walks nationwide is used by CWS to provide food, medical care, disaster relief, and self-help development for needy people around the world!

How Funds Are Used Locally

We believe that charity begins at home, thus the first-fruits of the Walk stay locally. Twenty-Five percent of the money raised in our CROP Hunger Walk is distributed to hunger-alleviating agencies in the Muskegon Area! The agencies chosen by the local CROP Hunger Walk Planning Team to receive funds this year are:





We also believe that God’s compassion is for all people, so we help hungry and hurting people worldwide through Church World Service.

Last Year we raised $27,547 with over 240 participants!

This year our focus will be on youth involvement, encouraging groups of youth (3 youth = a group) to join us for the challenge of raising at least $250 for a matching gift of $125!

Join us for the 39th Muskegon CROP Hunger Walk as we seek to END HUNGER, ONE STEP AT A TIME!

Ways to Participate

There are many ways you can participate in the CROP Hunger Walk:

  1. Walk the 5K route or as far as you are able

  2. Support a Walker with a generous donation

  3. Use the online CROP Walker option

  4. Be a Spirit Walker – raise funds though unable to Walk

  5. Be a volunteer helper on Walk Day

  6. Serving on the Organizing Committee for the Walk

  7. Recruit and promote the Walk in your church or group

  8. Pray for the CROP Hunger Walk and for the poor and hungry

A Big Thank You to this year’s Sponsors!

For more information, contact:

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