The “Garden to Table” classes have been a huge success. They have not only educated participants on how to cook and eat healthy; they have brought people together who have faced many challenges, support, and encouragement needed in their lives.
It warms my heart to tell you about two such lovely ladies who took the “Garden to Table” class and found more than healthy ways to prepare food, they found a much needed friendship in each other.
Both ladies were referred to our classes by their Community Health worker, Kristen. Debbie and Becky are widows, have grown children and both have health issues. For Debbie, life seemed to spiral downhill after losing her mom, who she describes as her “best friend”. Then her job of 15 years was down-sized. Shortly after losing her job she was diagnosed with diabetes; which led to depression and weight gain.
For Becky, she lost her husband a few years ago, who was her best friend. Becky also felt a sense of loss, her husband was gone, her children lived out of state, and her diabetes and weight issues made it hard for her to get around.
Today, both Debbie and Becky have found a reason to get up in the morning. They not only attended the “Garden to Table” classes at MAP, but they also signed up for our classes in October. They now attend yoga and exercise classes together at Tanglewood. Debbie and Becky have found a friendship in each other that might not have existed had it not been for their Community Health worker Kristen, encouraging them to take the “Garden to Table” classes at MAP to help address their health issues.
“Mission for Area People saved my life. I didn’t know MAP had so many programs to help the community.” -Debbie
MAP helped Debbie with diabetic shoes, food, and clothes.
Mission for Area People provides a number of services throughout the year for people like Debbie and Becky. Without the financial support of YOU, and the work of our dedicated volunteers, Mission for Area People, literally would not exist.
Thank you for your support! It is very much needed and appreciated—just ask Debbie and Becky!